Irish Journal of European Law – Call for Papers for 2021 Volume

The Editorial Board of the Irish Journal of European Law has issued the Call for papers for its 2021 Volume:

Irish Journal of European Law – Call for papers for 2021 volume

The Irish Journal of European Law has been published since 1992 and is a leading international journal on European law, edited by scholars and practitioners. Previous volumes are hosted on Westlaw, HeinOnline and on the Irish Society for European Law’s website. The journal – whose articles are blind peer reviewed – is now issuing a call for original papers for its 2021 volume. Papers are welcomed in the following categories:

  • Long articles (indicative length 8,000 – 12,000 words)*
  • Shorter articles and analysis (indicative length up to 6,000 words)*
  • Professional practice pieces, addressing areas of European law and/or practice that would be of particular interest to practitioners (any length)
  • Notes on case law (indicative length 2,000-3,000 words)**
  • Notes on legislation (any length)

The journal welcomes submissions on all areas of European law, including EU law and European law in the wider sense.

The journal has an international reputation and attracts contributions from scholars, practitioners, judges and public servants (writing in a personal capacity) from across Europe and beyond. Submissions are welcomed from established scholars, early career researchers, students, and practitioners.

Please send submissions for consideration by the editorial board to by 5pm on Friday 26th March 2021 in Word format, size 12 font, single-spaced. References should be in OSCOLA Ireland format and please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Please attach two separate files: the first comprising a cover page with your name, affiliation, contact details, five or so keywords, and the title and abstract for your article, and the second comprising your full article with no personal identifiers (for blind peer review purposes). Please direct any queries to the same email address.


*Inclusive of footnotes

**Longer pieces will be considered in appropriate cases


New Editorial Board of Irish Journal of European Law Announced

The ISEL is delighted to announce the new Editorial Board of the Irish Journal of European Law (IJEL), which is published under the auspices of the ISEL.

The members are:

– Editor in Chief: Dr MaryCatherine LUCEY, Associate Professor, UCD Sutherland School of Law
– General Editor: Dr Andrew Jackson, Assistant Professor, UCD Sutherland School of Law
– Managing Editor: Dr Stuart MacLennan, Associate Professor, Law School, Coventry University
– Long Articles Editors: Dr Graham Butler, Associate Professor of Law, Aarhus University & Dr Sara Drake, Senior Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd
– Shorter Articles Editors: Barry Doherty BL & Dr Noreen O’Meara, Senior Lecturer, University of Surrey
– Archives Editor: Dr Liz Heffernan, Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin
– Professional Practice Editors: Benedict Blunnie, Legal Advisor at Competition and Consumer Protection CommissionMaureen O’NeillMON Legal Consulting and Siobhán Stack SC
– Caselaw Editors: Sara-Jane O’Brien BL & Kelly Stricklin-Coutinho, Barrister at 39 Essex Chambers
– Legislation Editors: Dr Ronan Condon, Assistant Professor in Law, Dublin City University & Conor Talbot, Legal Counsel at the European Investment Bank (EIB)

We wish the new editorial board the very best of luck.

ISEL’s 2020 AGM – 25 November 2020, at 5pm

The ISEL’s 2020 AGM is taking place online via Zoom at 5pm on Wednesday, 25 November 2020.

Join the AGM here:

Meeting ID: 915 6237 0035
Passcode: 024848


Please note that any personal data submitted will be processed in accordance with ISEL’s Privacy Notice available here.

ISEL may also share your personal data with third parties for the purpose of hosting / facilitating.


XXVIIIth Brian Walsh Annual Memorial Lecture

This event will be held on Zoom. Please register at:



Mr Justice Frank Clarke, Chief Justice



Mr Justice Colm Mac Eochaidh, General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union


The ISEL is delighted to welcome The Hon. Mr Justice Colm Mac Eochaidh of the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union, who will address the Society on the occasion of the 18th Annual Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture. Mr Justice Mac Eochaidh will address the Society on the topic “Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh – the Luxembourg Chapter”.


CPD points are available for attendance at this event.

Consumer Law Update – Webinar

This event will be held on Zoom. Please register via this link:



Laura McGovern, Senior Legal Advisor, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC)



Sean Murphy, Director of Consumer Protection, Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC)

Dr Fidelma White, Senior Lecturer in Law, University College Cork


The ISEL is delighted to host this event. Sean Murphy, Director of Consumer Protection at the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission will speak on recent developments in consumer law and future prospects.  Dr Fidelma White, Senior Lecturer in University College Cork will examine consumer sales. The webinar will be moderated by Laura McGovern, Senior Legal Advisor at the CCPC.


CPD Points are available for attendance at this event.

Data Protection in the aftermath of Schrems


Eoin Sreenan BL, Law Library


Emma Redmond, Privacy & Data Protection Counsel at Stripe

Rob Corbet, Partner & Head of Technology & Innovation at Arthur Cox

Jim Halpert, Partner in Communications, E-Commerce & Privacy Practice at DLA Piper, Washington DC.


The ISEL is delighted to host this event, which will address the topical issue of data protection in the aftermath of the Schrems judgment.  Rob Corbet will speak on questions left unresolved by Schrems; Emma Redmond will address how European-based businesses and in-house lawyers are responding; and Jim Halpert will provide us with an insight into how the decision is being received in the US.


CPD Points are available for attendance at this event.


Webinar: The Building Blocks of a Career in EU Law: Different Perspectives

The ISEL, the Young Bar Committee and The Bar of Ireland are delighted to organise this webinar, which is aimed at junior legal practitioners.  The speakers will draw on their experience to give an insight into the different ways that practitioners can develop a successful career in EU law.


Eoin Sreenan BL, Law Library


Anne Riley, Former Head of Global Antitrust, Shell

Emma Lavin, Solicitor, Eversheds Sutherland

Oonagh O’Sullivan BL, Law Library


This event is free.  To attend, please register at

The European Commission’s Public Consultation on Empowering National Competition Authorities to be More Effective Enforcers

Chair & Speakers:
The Hon. John D. Cooke SC (Chair),

• Ailsa Sinclair, DG Competition, European Commission
• Gerald FitzGerald, Member, Competition and Consumer Protection   Commission
• Helen Kelly, Partner, Matheson

Venue: A&L Goodbody, IFSC, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1,

Registration Fee:
Non-members: €30.00
Members: €0.00

CPD Point: CPD points awarded

Description and Information:

The event is open to all and is free of charge to ISEL members. There is a €30 charge for non-members, payable on arrival or on registration via our website. To register, please visit and complete the registration form. Members should tick “pay at door” option and their membership will be verified at the door to allow free admission.
Further details regarding the European Commission’s public consultation are available at:  The deadline for responses to the consultation is 12 February 2016.

There will be a dinner for the speakers after the event which ISEL members are welcome to attend. To register for the dinner, please e-mail

You can find details of forthcoming ISEL events and  membership at

Procurement Law Update – Review of Recent Irish and European Case Law

Chair & Speakers:
The Hon. Ms Justice Caroline Costello (Chair),

  • Patrick McGovern, Arthur Cox
  • Niamh Hyland SC
  • Paul Quinn, Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Public Expenditure & Reform

Venue: William Fry, 2 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2,

Registration Fee:
Non-members: €30.00
Members: €0.00

CPD Point: CPD points awarded

Description and Information:

The event is open to all and is free of charge to ISEL members. There is a €30 charge for non-members, payable on arrival or on registration via our website. To register, please visit and complete the registration form. Members should tick “pay at door” option and their membership will be verified at the door to allow free admission.
There will be a dinner for the speakers after the event which ISEL members are welcome to attend. To register for the dinner, please e-mail

You can find details of forthcoming ISEL events and membership at

EU Law: Area of Interest for Junior Practitioners

Date: 25 February 2016

Time: 6:30pm

Chair & Speakers:
The Honourable Mr Justice Gerard Hogan (Chair),

Noel Travers SC

Joanne Finn, Partner, Eugene F Collins

Anne Fitzpatrick BL

Venue: Atrium, Distillery Building, 145-151 Church Street, Dublin 7

CPD Point: CPD points awarded

Description and Information:

This event is open to all and is FREE OF CHARGE.  There will also be a special annual ISEL membership fee of €30 available for those in attendance on the night who are in their first 5 years of practice.  Annual membership entitles an individual to attend all ISEL events free of charge.

You can register for the event and find details of other ISEL events at  Alternatively you can simply register at the event.

There will be a short wine reception after the event sponsored by Mason Hayes & Curran.

With thanks also to the Young Bar Committee, Bar Council