Data Protection Update
/in European Law EventsChair & Speakers:
The Hon. Ms Justice Mary Finlay Geoghegan, Judge of the Court of Appeal (Chair),
- Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the Data Flows & Protection Unit, DG Justice & Consumers, European Commission
- Dr. Eoin O’Dell, Associate Professor of Law, Trinity College Dublin
- Andreas Carney, Partner, Matheson
- Emily Gibson BL, Law Library, Dublin
The event is open to all and is free of charge to ISEL members (there is a €30 charge for non-ISEL members, payable on arrival). Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please register for the event at There will be a dinner for the speakers following the session which ISEL members are welcome to attend. To register for the dinner, please e-mail:
You can find details of forthcoming events and ISEL membership at and on Twitter @ISEL.
1.5 CPD points are available for this event
XXIX FIDE Reports Published
/in NewsThe XXIX FIDE Congress in The Hague was due to take place in May 2020. Due to COVID-19, the Congress will now take place in May 2021. In the meantime, the 2020 FIDE Board has published the XXIX FIDE Congress volumes, which include all national reports, including those prepared by the Irish national rapporteurs. These are available through the links below:
Topic 1: National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order
Topic 2: The New EU Data Protection Regime: Setting Global Standards for the Right to Personal Data Protection
Topic 3: EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution
The reports provide valuable comparative perspectives on these three topics of key areas of EU Law, which will be explored in depth at the XXIX Congress at The Hague next year. This will be a great opportunity to discuss recent developments, from the German Constitutional Court’s Weiss judgment to the consequences of COVID-19 on the protection of personal data and the platform industry.
The reports prepared by the Irish National Rapporteurs are available here .
Arbitration and EU Law
/in European Law EventsThe Hon Mr Justice Frank Clarke, Judge of the Supreme Court (Chair),
- Colm Ó hOisín SC, Law Library
- Gillian Cahill BL, Référendaire, Court of Justice of the European Union
- Patrick Mair BL, Law Library
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Description and Information:
To register, please visit and complete the registration form.
1.5 CPD points are available for this event.
Webinar: Annual Review of Important Competition Law Developments
/in Competition Law ForumChair & Speakers:
Professor Richard Whish, School of Law, King’s College, London
Moderated by Kate McKenna, Partner in Matheson and Chair of the ISEL Competition Law Forum
Description and Information:
Join us for ISEL’s very first webinar, which will be an online version of Prof. Richard Whish’s annual update for the ISEL on developments in Competition Law.
Register at this link only (and not through the ISEL website) by 6pm on 26 May 2020:
This event is kindly hosted by Matheson.
Venue: Webinar
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Competition Law and Pharma: Update on Case Law on Patent Settlement Agreements & On-Going Competition Cases in the Sector
/in Competition Law ForumChair & Speakers:
Claire Waterson, Partner, William Fry (Chair),
Stephen Kon, Senior Consultant, Regulatory/Antitrust/Competition Group, Macfarlanes, London
Prof. Suzanne Kingston BL, Law Library and UCD
Venue: Arthur Cox, Ten, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2,
Registration Fee:
Non-members: €30.00
Members: €0.00
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Description and Information:
There will be a reception after the event, kindly sponsored by Arthur Cox.
Event Registration
Register for this event
XXIX FIDE Congress postponed to 2021
/in NewsThe XXIX FIDE Congress was due to take place in The Hague in May 2020. Due to restrictions on public events in the Netherlands necessitated by COVID-19, the Congress will now be held, in The Hague, from 12 to 15 May 2021. All registrations for the Congress remain valid.
Irish Journal of European Law – Publication of Volume 22
/in NewsThe ISEL is delighted to announce that Volume 22 of the Irish Journal of European Law (2019-20) has now been published and is available to members here.
This edition features valued contributions from Judge Síofra O’Leary of the ECtHR, Prof. Suzanne Kingston, Prof. Liz Heffernan, Dr. Noreen O’Meara, Darach Connolly, Senior Associate, DLA Piper and Dr. Vincent Power, Partner at A&L Goodbody.
Special thanks are due to joint editors Maureen O’Neill (Vice President and former Chair of the ISEL) and Dr. Mary Catherine Lucey of University College Dublin for their work in putting together this volume.
International Women’s Day: Women in Europe
Chair & Speakers:
Simone George, human rights lawyer and activist
Prof. Imelda Maher, Dean and Inagural Sutherland Full Professor of European Law, UCD
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Description and Information:
The ISEL is delighted to invite you to join us for our International Women’s Day 2020, on Wednesday 11 March. This event is dedicated to discussing the role of influential women in Ireland and Europe. We are honoured to host two highly regarded speakers, Simone George and Prof. Imelda Maher.
Lessons Learned from the Word Perfect Litigation
/in Procurement Law ForumChair & Speakers:
The Hon. Mr Justice Seamus Noonan, Judge of the Court of Appeal (Chair),
Clare Cashin, Partner, Philip Lee
David Browne BL, Law Library and co-author of Procurement Law in Ireland
Paul Brady BL, Law Library
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Description and Information:
This event examines in depth the various aspects of the Word Perfect litigation.
The speakers will discuss the topics of automatic suspension and damages, the duty to give reasons and record keeping and discovery.
Event Registration
Register for this event