DateTopicChair & SpeakersVenueDownload
1 December 2015Access to Information in Public ProcurementJeanette Crowley, NAMA (chair), • Michael Bowsher, Monckton Chambers, London• Anna-Marie Curran, A&L Goodbody• Simon Noone, Office of the Information CommissionerMcCann Fitzgerald
26 November 201513th Annual Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture – EUROPEAN DATA PRIVACY RIGHTS AND DEMOCRATIC POLITICS: A TANGLED WEBThe Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Clarke (chair), Prof. Deirdre Curtin – Professor of European Union Law, European University Institute, Florence Bar Council of Ireland
17 November 2015Managing Competition Law Risks and Investigations Managing Competition Law Risks and Investigations Matheson
22 October 2015 Object vs Effect – what’s the difference?Professor Imelda Maher, Sutherland Chair of European Law, University College Dublin (chair), Dr Avantika Chowdhury, Senior Consultant, OxeraDr Vincent Power, Partner, A&L Goodbody McCann FitzGerald

8 October 2015BREXIT – Legal Implications for Ireland of Britain’s Potential WithdrawalJames Kingston, Legal Advisor, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (chair), Peter Oliver, Monckton Chambers, former legal advisor to the European Commission,Christopher Muttukumaru CB, Monckton Chambers, former General Counsel, UK Department of Transport; and legal advisor on EU law in the UK Attorney General’s Office,Dáithí O Ceallaigh, Chair, Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) UK group, former Irish Ambassador to the UK Dublin Dispute Resolution Centre
24 June 2015Media Mergers: the new plurality test in the spotlight Grace Smith, Board Member of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (chair), Antonio Bavasso, Partner and Co-Head of Global Antitrust practice, Allen & OveryDavid McMunn, Head of Legal and Compliance, UTV IrelandDonogh Hardiman, BL Mason Hayes & Curran
21 May 2015 Annual Review of Important Competition Law Cases and Developments in the EU and IrelandGerald FitzGerald, Member, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (chair), Professor Richard Whish, King’s College LondonSuzanne Kingston, University College Dublin Matheson
Richard Whish
7 May 2015The Frank Clarke Inaugural Lecture The Honourable Mr Justice Nial Fennelly (chair), The Honourable Mr Justice Frank Clarke Atrium, Distillery Building
30 April 2015The Commission’s Policy Priorities for the new Procurement Directives Bonnie Costello (chair), Adrian Tokar, Legal Service, European CommissionCatherine Donnelly BL, Law Library The Ormond Building
12 February 201512th Annual Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture The Honourable Mr Justice Frank Clarke (chair), AG Eleanor Sharpston, Court of Justice of the European Union Bar Council of Ireland
20 January 2015Bid-rigging: Current procurement and competition law issues explored Mr Sean Guerin, SC (chair), Dr Albert Sánchez-Graells, University of Leicester, School of LawPat Kenny, Member with responsibility for Criminal Enforcement, Competition and Consumer Protection CommissionÚna Butler, Legal Advisor, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission A&L Goodbody

20 November 2014The Role of Behavioural Economics in Financial Regulation Robert Cain, Partner, Arthur Cox (chair), Dr Pete Lunn, Economist and Senior Research Officer, ERSIColm Kincaid, Head of Consumer Protection (Banking, Insurance, Investments and Policy), Central Bank of Ireland Mason Hayes & Curran
30 October 2014 Re-launch of the Irish Journal of European Law Judge Aindrias O’CaoimhOrmond Meeting Rooms
25 September 2014 Vertical Restraints in the Online World Darragh Byrne, Head of Group Compliance, DCC Plc (chair), Dr Christa Pfeil-Kammerer, BundeskartellamtBecket McGrath, Partner, Edwards Wildman Palmer William Fry Solicitors
3 July 2014Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law: Recent European Developments The Hon. Mr. Justice Paul Gilligan (chair), Mark Clough QCHelena Penovski, European Commission, DG Competition European Union House, 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2
27 May 2014Introducing the Office of Government Procurement Jenny Mellerick, Partner, McCann FitzGerald (chair), Paul Quinn, Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Public Expenditure & ReformChristine Comisky, BCL LLM, Deputy Assistant Chief State Solicitor with the Office of the Chief State Solicitor Matheson

12 May 2014Data Protection after the Snowden RevelationsFrank Callanan SC (chair), Bruno Gencarelli, Deputy Head of Unit for International Affairs on Data Protection, DG Just, European CommissionCatherine Allen, Partner, Mason Hayes & CurranSeamus Carroll, Department of Justice and Equality Eugene F. Collins
8 May 2014Constitutions and Courts in the EU – A Tribute to The Hon. Mr Justice Nial Fennelly Co-Organised with the Irish Centre for European Law and the Academy of European LawThe Hon. Mrs Justice Susan Denham, Chief Justice of IrelandThe Hon. Mr Justice Frank Clarke, Supreme CourtThe Hon. Mr Justice John Cooke, retired Judge of the High Court and former Judge of the European Court of First InstanceThe Hon. Ms Justice Mary Finlay-Geoghegan, High CourtSir Francis Jacobs, former Advocate General, European Court of JusticeThe Hon. Mr Justice Ronan Keane, former Chief Justice of IrelandPauliine Koskelo, President, Finnish Supreme CourtThe Hon. Mrs Justice Fidelma Macken, retired Judge of the Supreme Court and former Judge of the European Court of JusticeThe Hon. Mr Justice John Murray, Supreme Court and former Judge of the European Court of JusticeAlexander Proelß, Professor for Public international and European Law, Trier University Distillery Building
1 May 2014Annual Review of Important Competition Law Cases and Developments in the EU and Ireland The Hon Mr Justice Nial Fennelly, Supreme Court of Ireland (chair), Professor Richard Whish, School of Law, King’s College, LondonDeclan Walsh, Faculty of Law, University College Cork A&L Goodbody

1 April 2014The Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees – EU and ECHR Interactions Explored Moira Shipsey (chair), Moira Shipsey, Solicitor, Legal Aid Board and Member, Refugee Appeals TribunalHilkka Becker, Senior Solicitor, Immigrant Council of Ireland and Member, Refugee Appeals TribunalDr Cathryn Costello, Andrew W Mellon University Lecturer in International Human Rights and Refugee Law, University of OxfordSiobhan Stack SC, Law Library Dublin Ormond Meeting Rooms

5 March 2014Reforming the EU Merger Regulation – Minority InterestsStephen Calkins, Member, Director of the Mergers Division, Irish Competition Authority (chair), Dr. Anne Schädle, DG Competition, European CommissionNelson Jung, Director and Head of Mergers, UK Office of Fair Trading / Competition and Markets AuthorityLaurence Gourley, Legal Director, Aer Lingus Matheson

6 February 2014The interface between intellectual property law and competition lawMichael Howard, SC (chair), Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, University College London, formerly of the Court of Appeal of England & WalesNathy Dunleavy, BL, Law Library Mason Hayes & Curran
13 November 201311th Annual Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture: Pringle, the Financial Crisis and Challenges for the EU Legal Order The Hon. Mr. Justice Nial Fennelly, Supreme Court of Ireland (chair), Professor Paul Craig, Professor of English Law, St John’s College Oxford (pictured on left) The Dublin Dispute Resolution Centre
30 October 2013Recent Developments in State aidThe Hon. Mr. Justice Anthony Collins, General Court of the European Union (pictured on left) (chair), Julia Rapp, DG Competition, European Commission Diarmuid Rossa Phelan SC, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin Florence Loric, Arthur Cox William Fry
24 October 2013Understanding EU Citizens’ RightsPatrick McCann SC (chair), Padraic Kenna (National University of Ireland Galway) (pictured on left), Roderic Kenna (Dublin City University) (pictured on left), David Conlan Smyth SC, Catherine Donnelly (Law Library, Trinity College Dublin and Blackstone Chambers London) The Ormond Building

26 September 2013EU Law and Renewable Energy Morgan Sheehy (ESB) (chair), Angus Johnston (University of Oxford),Alex McLean (Head of the Projects and Energy Group, Arthur Cox) Mason Hayes & Curran

4 July 2013Secondary Policies in Public Procurement Niamh Hyland SC (chair), Professor Christopher McCrudden, Queen’s University, Belfast (pictured on left), Fergal Ruane, Head of Legal in the Railway Procurement Agency Mason Hayes & Curran

21 June 2013 Joint ISEL/UKAEL Conference 2013 – Current Issues in the EU Professor Sir Francis Jacobs QC KCMG; The Hon Mr Justice Nial Fennelly; Professor Philippa Watson (chair), Dr Catherine Donnelly, Law School, Trinity College Dublin, Gordon Downie, Partner, Shepherd & Wedderburn, Edinburgh,Joanne McDowall, Associate, Shepherd & Wedderburn, Edinburgh, The Rt Hon Sir John Thomas, President of the Queen’s Bench Division, High Court of Justice, Dr John Sorabji, Legal Secretary to the Master of the Rolls, Anthony M. Collins SC, Law Library, Dublin, The Hon Mr Justice Gerald Barling, President, Competition Appeal Tribunal Middle Temple
29 May 2013 Designing Effective Environmental Regulation: From Crisis to Transformation Margaret Austin, Eugene F. Collins, Dr. Owen McIntyre, University College Cork, The Hon. Mr. Justice Colm MacEochaidh, High Court of Ireland (chair), Professor Julia Black, London School of Economics, Professor Rob Baldwin, London School of Economics, Gerard O’Leary, Head of Environmental Enforcement, Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin, Anne Brosnan, Chief Prosecutor, Environment Agency, UK, Professor Zorica Nedovic-Budic, Chair of Spatial Planning, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin,Professor Colin Reid, University of Dundee, Dr Veerle Heyvaert, London School of Economics, Dr Suzanne Kingston BL, Barrister, Dublin and lecturer, University College Dublin,Gregory Jones QC, Barrister, Francis Taylor Building, London, Professor Yvonne Scannell, Trinity College Dublin and Arthur Cox, Dublin, Dr Áine Ryall, University College Cork, Tom Flynn BL, Barrister, Dublin Newman House
14 May 2013 Annual Review of Important Competition Law Cases and Developments in the EU and Ireland The Hon. Mr. Justice John D. Cooke, High Court of Ireland (chair), Professor Richard Whish (School of Law, King’s College London)Declan Walsh (University College Cork) Arthur Cox

30 April 2013 Recent Competition Law Developments in the Sports Sector in the EU Gary Rice (Beauchamps) (chair), Ian Lynam (Charles Russell LLP), (pictured on left) Benoit Keane (Keane Legal Brussels), Krysztof Kuik (Head of Unit, Media, Directorate General for Competition, European Commission) A&L Goodbody

25 February 2013Comparing Experiences: The ECHR in Ireland and the United Kingdom Mr Peter White, Assistant Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Agent of Government of Ireland to the European Court of Human Rights (chair), Professor Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law, London School of Economics, Founder Member Matrix Chambers Mr Donncha O’Connell, Lecturer in Law in NUI Galway, Part-time Commissioner, Law Reform Commission The Ormond Meeting Rooms
22 November 2012 10th Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture Professor Gráinne de Búrca, New York University
6 November 2012 The Role of the Court of Justice in Regulating of Public Procurement Markets – Practitioners’ Perspectives Patrick McGovern, Partner, Arthur Cox (chair), Nikos Korogiannakis, G.S. Kostakopoulos & Associates, BrusselsChristopher O’Toole, Deputy Director General, Office of the Attorney General Dublin Dispute Resolution Centre
8 October 2012 Has Equality Law Gone Too Far? Mr Niall McCutcheon, Director of the Equality Tribunal (chair), Professor Christopher McCrudden, Queen’s University Belfast, Oxford University and Blackstone Chambers, LondonDr Elise Muir, Assistant Professor, Maastricht University William Fry
4 July 2012The Competition (Amendment) Act 2012 Breda Power, Assistant Secretary, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (chair), Noreen Mackey, Legal Adviser to the Competition AuthorityJonathan Newman B.L.Dr. Vincent Power, Partner and Head of the EU, Competition & Procurement Group, A&L Goodbody Arthur Cox

21 June 2012 Shared Services: Developments and Possibilities Professor Diarmuid Rossa Phelan S.C. (chair), Dr. Michael Konig, European CommissionRobert McDonagh, Mason Hayes + Curran Arthur Cox
26 April 2012Recent Cases in Public ProcurementPhilip Lee, Philip Lee solicitors (chair), Nigel Griffin QC, 11KBW ChambersFinola McCarthy, Ronan Daly Jermyn Eugene F. Collins
24 April 2012European Arrest Warrant – Recent Developments Remy Farrell SCFrank Buttimer, Solicitor The Distillery Building
28 March 2012The Investigative Powers of Competition Regulators The Hon. Mr. Just Liam McKechnie (chair), Bonnie Costelloe, Matheson Ormsby PrenticeFelix Ronkes-Agerbeek, European CommissionPatrick Kenny, Member of the Competition Authority William Fry

26 March 2012Copyright Protection on the Internet in IrelandThe Hon. Mr. Justice Peter Charleton (chair), John Gordon SCHelen Sheehy, Sheehy Donnelly Solicitors Eugene F. Collins
21 February 2012Recent Developments in EU and UK competition law Richard Whish, Kings College LondonDeclan Walsh, University College CorkThe Hon. Mr. Justice Nial Fennelly (Chair) The Distillery Building

2 February 2012 Update on the Irish Implementation of the Third EU Energy Package Alan McCarthy, A&L Goodbody (chair), Philip Lowe, European CommissionDenis Cagney, Commission for Energy Regulation A & L Goodbody
7 December 2011ISEL Young Lawyers Forum 2011 : European Law and Irish Practitioner Donogh Hardiman BL (chair), Vincent Power, Solicitor, Head of the EU and Competition Group,A&L Goodbody,Ciarán Toland BL The Distillery Building
24 November 20119th Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture The Hon Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, Chief Justice of Ireland (chair), Judge Ann Power-Forde of the European Court of Human Rights
18 November 2011Joint ISEL/UKAEL Conference 2011- Reflections on the Role of European Law through the Financial and Economic Crisis The Law Society of Ireland
12 October 2011Competition Law Enforcement Regimes in USA, Canada and IrelandDr. David McFadden, Member of the Competition Authority (chair), Elisa Kearney, Davis Ward Phillips & VinebergFiona Schaeffer, Jones DayNathy Dunleavy BL The Shelbourne Hotel
5 October 2011Legal and Regulatory Perspectives on Next Generation Broadband Alan McCarthy, A & L Goodbody (chair), Alex Chisholm, Commission for Communications Regulation,Ines Nolasco, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission European Union House

29 September 2011Issues arising in Litigation: A Checklist for Practitioners Remedies – Salutary Lessons from the UK courts The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Clarke (chair), Eileen Barrington BLMichael Finn, Matheson Ormsby Prentice William Fry
27 September 2011Competition Law Issues in the Energy Sector (jointly hosted with Energy Law Ireland) Isolde Goggin, Former Member of the Competition Authority (chair), Josephine Hederstrom, European CommissionJohn Ratliff, Wilmer Hale Matheson Ormsby Prentice
20 July 2011Stretching the Limits of Procurement Law: How Far do the General Principles Go?Robert McDonagh, Mason Hayes+Curran (chair), Michael Bowsher, Q.C., Monckton Chambers, LondonAnthony M. Collins, S.C., Law Library Mason Hayes+Curran
16 June 2011 EU Employment Law and Ireland Marguerite Bolger SC (chair), Professor Siofra O’Leary, Referendaire, Court of Justice and College of Europe, BrugesTom Mallon BL European Union House
1 June 2011The Implications of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights The Hon. Mr. Justice Donal O’Donnell (chair), Judge Koen Lenaerts, President of Chamber of the Court of Justice and Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumDr. Angela Ward BL, Adjunct Professor of Law, University College Dublin The Distillery Building

24 April 2011Money Laundering – Emerging Challenges (Jointly Hosted with the Law Society of Ireland, EU and International Affairs Committee) Mr. James MacGuill, MacGuill & Co (chair), Frank Cassidy, Criminal Assets Bureau, John Fish, Working Group on Money Laundering LegislationPaula Reid, Partner, A& L GoodbodyMichael Ashe SC QC Law Society of Ireland
12 April 2011The European Commission’s Consultation on a European Approach to Collective Redress Actions Brian O’Moore S.C. (chair), Filip Kubik, Policy Officer, Private Enforcement Unit, DG Competition, European CommissionBelinda Hollway, Senior Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Arthur Cox
23 March 2011The European Commission’s New Rules for Horizontal Co-operation Agreements between CompetitorsPat Massey, Director, CompeconDonncadh Woods, Deputy Head of Unit for Antitrust and Mergers Policy and Scrutiny, DG Competition, European CommissionProfessor Imelda Maher, Sutherland Professor In European Law, School of Law, University College DublinHelen Kelly, Partner and Head of the EU, Competition and Regulatory Law Group, Matheson Ormsby Prentice A&L Goodbody
3 March 20118th Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture The Hon. Mr. Justice John L. Murray, Chief Justice of Ireland (chair), The Hon. Mr. Justice Ronan Keane (Former Chief Justice of Ireland)
24 February 2011Access to Documents and Transparency in the EU (Jointly Hosted with Transparency International Ireland)Nikiforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman (chair), Bart Dreissen, Legal Service, Council of the EURonny Patz, Lecturer in Politics and Governance, University of Potsdam, Advisor, EU Liaison Office, Transparency InternationalMarc Maes, Head of Transparency Unit, Secretariat General, European CommissionLaw Society of Ireland

29 November 2010 The Europeanisation of National Administrative Law The Honourable Mr Justice Gerard Hogan (chair), Professor Paul Craig, University of OxfordPaul Gallagher SC, Attorney General St Michan’s Church
25 November 2010 ISEL Young Lawyers’ Forum 2010: EU Law and the Irish PractitionerThe Hon. Mr. Justice Nial Fennelly (chair), Margaret Gray BL Law Society of Ireland
16 November 2010 Legal Privilege and the Akzo Nobel RulingJohn Kettle, Partner, Mason Hayes & Curran (chair), Eileen Roberts, Partner, A&L GoodbodyJulianne O’Leary, Partner, Stephenson Harwood, London Dillon Eustace
10 November 2010Three Thorny Issues in Procurement Law: Disclosure Obligations on Contracting Authorities as a Matter of EU Law Changes to Concluded Contracts The Distinction between Selection and Award Criteria The Hon. Mr. Justice Nial Fennelly (chair), Patrick McGovern, Partner, Arthur CoxProfessor Sue Arrowsmith, University of Nottingham, UK The Ormond Meeting Rooms
14 October 2010Interest and State AidJohn Handoll, Partner and Head of the Competition & Regulation Department, William Fry (chair), Adinda Sinnaeve, DG Competition, European CommissionConor Quigley QC, Serle Court ChambersNoel Travers, BL Hayes Solicitors
5 October 2010Evaluation of BidsNiamh Hyland BL (chair), James Kinch, Senior Executive Solicitor, Dublin City CouncilAnna-Marie Curran, Partner, A & L Goodbody SolicitorsRichella Mulvihill, Procurement Manager, National Roads Authority The Distillery Building
27 July 2010 Review of the Cartel Immunity ProgrammeJames Hamilton, The Director of Public Prosecutions (chair), Remy Farrell, B.L.Gerald FitzGerald, Member of the Competition Authority and Director of the Cartels DivisionDavid Phelan, Partner, Hayes Solicitors William Fry
29 June 2010 The New Remedies Regulations Catherine Donnelly B.L. Billy Noone, Assistant Principal, Public Procurement Policy & Regulation Unit, Department of Finance (chair), Akos Nagy, Legal & Policy Affairs, Directorate General Internal Market, European Commission,Cormac Little, Partner, Competition & Regulation Unit, William Fry Solicitors, A&L Goodbody

4 May 2010Quantifying Damages in Competition Cases William Prasifka, Financial Services Ombudsman (chair), Paul Sreenan, S.C.Pat Massey, Director, CompeconRobin Noble, Managing Consultant, Oxera Distillery Building
22 April 2010Non-Judicial Remedies in EU Law Emily O’Reilly, Ombudsman and Information Commissioner of Ireland (chair), Fergal O’Regan, Head of Legal Unit, E.U. Ombudsman’s OfficeDr. Adam Lazowski, Senior Lecturer in E.U. Law, University of Westminster, London Law Society of Ireland
20 April 2010Recent Cases in the Municipal Waste Sector – Panda Waste and Greenstar ConsideredAnthony Collins, S.C. (chair), Alan McCarthy, Partner, A&L GoodbodyDeborah Spence, Partner, Arthur CoxPaul Gorecki, Programme Coordinator of the Competition and Regulation Research Area, The Economic and Social Research Institute Law Society of Ireland
24 March 2010Family Law and the EU: Human Rights and Member State Diversity; and Family Law at the European Coalface Dr. Carol Coulter, Irish Times (chair), Deirdre Tinney, MEconSc., PhD Candidate, U.C.D.Cormac Corrigan S.C. European Union House

9 March 2010Human Rights in the EU after the Lisbon TreatyThe Hon. Mr. Justice Donal O’Donnell (chair), Gerard Hogan S.C.Sir Francis Jacobs Q.C. Advocate General of the ECJ 1988-2006, Professor of European Law, University of LondonProfessor Rick Lawson, Kirchheiner Chair (Protection of the Integrity of the Individual), Europa Institute, University of Leiden St. Michan’s Church
8 February 2010International Cartel Enforcement – A Regulator’s Perspective Carolyn Galbreath, Member of the Competition Authority and Director of the Cartels Division (chair), Marcus Bezzi, Executive General Manager, Enforcement and Compliance Division, Australian Competition and Consumer CommissionPhilip Lee, Managing and Founding Partner, Philip Lee SolicitorsBecket McGrath, Partner, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge UK LLP Eugene F. Collins

19 January 2010Intellectual Property Law Seminar: An Update on the English Patents County Court Recent Developments in Intellectual Property Law in Ireland Trade Marks & Human RightsJonathan Newman B.L. (chair), Jenny Jones, Associate, Bird & Bird LondonJeanne Kelly, Partner, Mason Hayes & CurranGlen Gibbons B.L. Mason Hayes & Curran

3 December 2009Climate Change and Copenhagen: What’s on the Cards?Mr. Brendan Halligan, Sustainable Energy Ireland (chair), Mr. John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local GovernmentMr. James Thornton, Chief Executive Officer, ClientEarth St. Stephen’s Green Club
30 November 2009The Intel DecisionCormac Little, Partner, William Fry Solicitors (chair), Nicolas Banasevic, Deputy Head of Unit, Competition Directorate General of the European CommissionDr. Francis O’Toole, Lecturer in Economics, Trinity College Dublin Matheson Ormsby Prentice

25 November 2009 7th Brian Walsh Memorial LectureThe Hon. Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, Supreme Court
6 October 2009The Criminalisation of Cartels The Hon. Mr. Justice John Cooke (chair), Assoc. Professor Caron Beaton Wells, Melbourne UniversityPhilip Andrews, McCann FitzgeraldMargaret Gray B.L. A&L Goodbody

3 September 2009 Why the EU needs the Lisbon TreatyDavid Geary, Imeara Power (chair), Catherine Day, Secretary General of the European Commission European Union House

20 July 2009Lisbon Treaty: Assessing the EU reaction to the Irish No Vote – Are the Legal Guarantees an Adequate Response?Dick Roche T.D. (chair), Grainne de Burca, Fordham University,Brigid Laffan, U.C.D. Institute of International and European Affairs
25 June 2009 Financial Services Regulation in IrelandJohn Breslin B.L. (chair), Robert Cain, Arthur CoxPat Farrell, Irish Banking FederationDavid Hodnett, Commission for Aviation Regulation Law Society
19 June 2009Joint ISEL/UKAEL Conference 2009 – Current Issues in EU Public Procurement and StateGoodenough College
14 May 2009 Is the EU Good for Workers? Dr. Catherine Donnelly, Trinity College Dublin (chair), Professor Catherine Bernard, Fellow, Trinity College, CambridgeGavin Barrett, University College Dublin Trinity College

5 May 2009The Role of Competition Policy in the Context of the Current Economic ClimateProfessor Frances Ruane, Director, The Economic and Social Research Institute (chair), William Prasifka, Chairperson, The Competition AuthorityRuairi Quinn TD, Labour Party Spokesperson on Education and Science Arthur Cox
21 April 2009Administrative Fines for Competition Law BreachesMaurice Collins S.C. (chair), Patrick O’Brien, Partner, Arthur CoxMonique van Oers, Head of the Legal Unit, Dutch Competition Authority BCM Hanby Wallace
3 March 2009 The European Commission Communication on its Enforcement Priorities in Applying Article 82 of the EC Treaty to Abusive Exclusionary Conduct Dr. Stanley Wong, Member, Competition Authority (chair), Robert O’Donoghue, Barrister, Brick Court ChambersMaureen O’Neill, McCann FitzgeraldClaude Rakovsky, Head of the Antitrust Policy Unit, DG Competition, European Commission Mason Hayes & Curran
24 February 2009Media mergers Paul Sreenan S.C. (chair), Helen Kelly, Partner and Head of the EU, Competition & Regulatory Law Group, Matheson Ormsby PrenticeDeclan Walsh, University College Cork Philip Lee
29 January 2009 European Environmental Law in Ireland Dr. Patricia Conlon, University of Limerick (chair), Professor Yvonne Scannell, Trinity College DublinPatrick Stephens, Manager, Limerick/Clare Energy AgencyAnthony Collins S.C. European Union House
20 February 2008 6th Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture Turlough O’Donnell, SC, Chairman of the Bar Council
15 November 2006 5th Brian Walsh Memorial LectureDr. Maurice Manning, President of the Irish Human Rights Commission
9 November 20054th Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture William Binchy, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin
12 November 2004 3rd Brian Walsh Memorial LectureJudge Jean-Paul CostaResponded to by Mr. Rory Brady SC, Attorney General
26 November 2002 2nd Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture Donncha O’Connell, Lecturer in Law, National University of Ireland, Galway
3 March 2001 1st Brian Walsh Memorial Lecture Judge John Hedigan of the European Court of Human Rights