XXIX FIDE Reports Published

The XXIX FIDE Congress in The Hague was due to take place in May 2020.  Due to COVID-19, the Congress will now take place in May 2021.  In the meantime, the 2020 FIDE Board has published the XXIX FIDE Congress volumes, which include all national reports, including those prepared by the Irish national rapporteurs.  These are available through the links below:

Topic 1: National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order

Topic 2: The New EU Data Protection Regime: Setting Global Standards for the Right to Personal Data Protection

Topic 3: EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution

The reports provide valuable comparative perspectives on these three topics of key areas of EU Law, which will be explored in depth at the XXIX Congress at The Hague next year. This will be a great opportunity to discuss recent developments, from the German Constitutional Court’s Weiss judgment to the consequences of COVID-19 on the protection of personal data and the platform industry.

The reports prepared by the Irish National Rapporteurs are available here .