Irish Journal of European Law

Volume 18(2)
Published 2015
Diarmuid Rossa Phelan

Table of Contents
1st January 2016
Editor’s Introduction
by Diarmuid Rossa Phelan
20th December 2015
by Diarmuid Rossa Phelan
Data Privacy Rights and Democracy: Ireland, European and Beyond
by Deirdre Curtin
20th December 2015
by Deirdre Curtin
Finding a Baseline for Competition Law Enforcement During Crises: Case Study of the Irish Beef Price
by Conor Talbot
20th December 2015
by Conor Talbot
Review of Steve Peers, Tamara Hervey, Jeff Kenner and Angela Ward (eds), The EU Charter of Fundament
by Ciara Smyth
20th December 2015
by Ciara Smyth
Trinity Praeses Elit Award 2015: Acceptance Speech
by David Neuberger
20th December 2015
by David Neuberger
Courage to Change? The Rocky Road to Directive 2014/104/EU and the Future of Private Competition Law
by Barry Doherty BL and Anne Fitzpatrick BL
20th December 2015
by Barry Doherty BL and Anne Fitzpatrick BL
Has a ‘Complete Solution’ Been Found for Lifting the Automatic Suspension in Public Procurement Chal
by David Brown and Jerry Healy
21st October 2019
by David Brown and Jerry Healy
Stokes v Christian Brothers High School: An exercise in splendid isolationism?
Shivaun Quinlivan
20th December 2015
Shivaun Quinlivan
Addressing the Absence of a Provision in the Competition Act 2002 Analogous to Article 106(2) TFEU
by Nicholas Liddane
20th December 2015
by Nicholas Liddane