XXVIII FIDE Congress 23-26 May 2018 – Portugal

The Portuguese Association for European Law (APDE) hosted the XXVIII FIDE Congress in the historical beach resort of Estoril. The main topics for the Congress were:

  1. The internal market and the digital economy
  2. The current debate on the relationship between tax, state aid and distortions of competition
  3. The external dimension of EU policies.

For further information in respect of FIDE and the Estoril Congress please click here: https://www.fide2018.eu/en/welcome/

XXVII FIDE Congress 18-21 May 2016 – Hungary

The XXVII FIDE Congress was held in Budapest, Hungary. Participants were welcomed by Mr. Péter Darák, President of the Curia (Supreme Court) of Hungary and President of FIDE. The main topics for the Congress were:

  1. The European Banking Union
  2. Private enforcement and collective redress in European competition law
  3. Division of competences and regulatory powers between the European Union and the Member States

For further information in respect of FIDE and the Budapest Congress please click here:  http://www.fide-hungary.eu

XXVI FIDE Congress 28-31 May 2014 – Denmark

The XXVI FIDE Congress was held in Copenhagen and was organised by the Danish Association for European Law (DFE) and the Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen. The congress provided a unique opportunity to learn about and influence the development of EU law and to exchange ideas and visions with colleagues from all professions of the legal world. The main topics for the Congress were:

  1. The Economic and Monetary Union: Constitutional and Institutional Aspects of the Economic Governance within the EU.
  2. Union Citizenship: Development, Impact and Challenges.
  3. Public Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes.
  4. Saturday’s General Topic: In the Era of Legal Pluralism: The Relationship between the EU, National and International Courts, and the Interplay of the Multiple Sources of Law.

For further information in respect of FIDE and the Copenhagen Congress please click here: https://jura.ku.dk/english/fide2014/