The XXIX FIDE congress was due to be held in The Hague, The Netherlands in May 2020. However, due to COVID-19 the Congress has been postponed to 12-15 May 2021. The main topics for the congress are:
- National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law
- The New EU Data Protection Regime
- EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy
Rapporteurs appointed by the ISEL prepared and submitted reports in respect of each of these topics as they relate to the current state of law in Ireland.
- Topic 1: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order, Ciarán Toland SC, Aoife Beirne BL and Sarah Fennell BL
- Topic 2: The New EU Data Protection Regime: Setting Global Standards for the Right to Personal Data Protection, Kate Colleary of Colleary & Co and Emily Gibson BL
- Topic 3: EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution, Patrick Horan of Arthur Cox, Maureen O’Neill of MON Legal Consulting and Claire Waterson of William Fry
The Irish reports are available below. The ISEL extends its thanks to each of the Irish Rapporteurs for their contributions.
All of the reports have been published in advance of the XXIX Congress in May 2021 and are available here. For further information in respect of FIDE and The Hague Congress please click here:
Irish Reports
Special Issue Report