William Fry Solicitors
2 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland
The ISEL's Procurement Law Forum is delighted to host this update event, which will be chaired by The Hon. Ms Justice Caroline Costello. We will also be joined by several experts in the area of procurement law: Patrick McGovern, Arthur Cox; Niamh Hyland SC; and Paul Quinn, Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Public Expenditure & Reform.
The ISEL's Procurement Law Forum is delighted to host this event on the New Procurement Directives, which will be chaired by Roberto Caranta, Professor in Administrative Law, University of Turin. Several experts in the field will give us their perspectives: Jonathan Davey, partner at Addleshaw Goddard, Maurice Collins SC, and Adrian Tokar, Legal Services, European Commission.
McCann FitzGerald
Riverside One, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland
Chair & Speakers: Bonnie Costelloe, Chief State Solicitor's Office (Chair), Finola McCarthy, Partner, Ronan Daly Jermyn David Browne BL, Law Library Registration Fee: Non-members: €30.00 Members: €0.00 CPD Point: CPD points awarded Description and Information: At this event, two procurement specialists will provide an update on recent case law developments at national and European level of […]
The Gaffney Room
Distillery Building, 145-151 Church Street, Dublin 7, Ireland
The ISEL is delighted to host this session of the Procurement Law Forum, which will be chaired by The Hon. Mr. Justice Seamus Noonan, and will examine, in depth, the various aspects of the Word Perfect litigation.