Chair & Speakers:
The Hon. Mr. Justice Robert Haughton (Chair),
John Breslin, Partner, Maples & Calder
Garret Byrne BL, Law Library
Tara O’Reilly, Partner, Arthur Cox
Registration Fee:
Non-members: €30.00
Members: €0.00
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Description and Information:
This ISEL event will provide an update on financial services regulation, looking in particular at developments in the areas of:
- the capital markets union;
- class actions in relation to financial services under the proposed new directive; and
- the effect of Brexit on EU financial services.
The event is open to all and is free of charge to ISEL members. There is a €30 charge for non-members, payable on arrival or on registration via our website.
The ISEL is offering Membership for the remainder of 2018 to attendees of this event on payment of the entrance fee (€30). Full membership is normally €135 for the year.
To register, please visit and complete the registration form. Members should tick the “pay at the door” option and their membership will be verified at the door to allow free admission.
There will be a dinner for the speakers after the event which ISEL members are welcome to attend. To register for the dinner, please email