Date: 25 February 2016
Time: 6:30pm
Chair & Speakers:
The Honourable Mr Justice Gerard Hogan (Chair),
Noel Travers SC
Joanne Finn, Partner, Eugene F Collins
Anne Fitzpatrick BL
Venue: Atrium, Distillery Building, 145-151 Church Street, Dublin 7
CPD Point: CPD points awarded
Description and Information:
This event is open to all and is FREE OF CHARGE. There will also be a special annual ISEL membership fee of €30 available for those in attendance on the night who are in their first 5 years of practice. Annual membership entitles an individual to attend all ISEL events free of charge.
You can register for the event and find details of other ISEL events at Alternatively you can simply register at the event.
There will be a short wine reception after the event sponsored by Mason Hayes & Curran.
With thanks also to the Young Bar Committee, Bar Council