Standing the Test of Time: Reference for a Preliminary Ruling

Subject: The preliminary reference procedure and its importance for the functionality of EU and national law

Social Welfare Rights of EU Citizens in Ireland

Subject: Overview of the social welfare rights of EU citizens in Ireland

Case Study on Cross-border Insolvency and Rescue Law: an Analysis of the Future of European Integration

Subject: The EU rules on cross border insolvency and the future of European integration in a post-Brexit European order

Arbitration in the Republic of Ireland after Brexit

Subject: The implications of Brexit on arbitration in Ireland.

A Hard Question? Managing the Irish Border Through Brexit

Subject: The impacts of Brexit on the Northern Irish border and the future legal architecture of the border and its formalities as they affect the movement of goods and of people.

The Status of British Law in Independent Ireland: a Guide for Post-Brexit Britain?

Subject: Brexit, its legal ambiguities and addressing the status of British law in independent Ireland in contrast with the future status of EU law in the UK.